
Sugar Daddy: how to handle the first dinner date

Any first date is loaded with pressure. Should you order the garden salad or opt for a cup of the pungent french onion soup? Do you go in for a kiss, or end with a hug? You never quite know how to make things progress 100 percent smoothly, but you can do your best to ensure the date is survivable. We’ve thrown together our top five suggestions to ensure your potential Sugar Baby see’s the light of a second date.

1: Don’t eat with the speed of an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

Don’t eat with the speed of an industrial strength vacuum cleaner. The way you dine is a metaphor for the way you make love so make sure you don’t do so in a way that brings to mind a lower primate, or in the case of us gals, an epicurean version of Lorena Bobbit. Do eat slowly and sensuously and make eye contact. Remember that dining together is a form of foreplay.

2: Don’t go over your limit

The first dinner date is not the time to drink and party like you did in college. This is a meal that is to be shared between two mature adults. Sugar Daddies, avoid any behaviors that could incite an argument if you clearly see that your date is getting a bit tipsy. Do not keep the drinks coming if your date is an obvious lightweight. Be respectful, order a cab for her, and reconnect when she’s back to her usual self. The last thing either party should want to do is say or do anything that could prevent a good thing from happening before it’s even started.

3: Do be discreet

Paying or tipping should always be done as smoothly and as subtly as possible. Do not make clumsy, boarish errors such as arguing over how much each person owes (read: you’re cheap), using large bills to pay for small checks (read: you’re showy), or gregariously grabbing the check out of the waiter’s hand to demonstratively pay with your credit card. Such behavior makes people feel beholden and uncomfortable. Just pay the check, move it to one side, and be done with it.

4: Do plan for the best

If things go well, then what? Say you’re having an amazing night that you want never to end. Great! Unfortunately, the lights are up, the tables are empty—and the waiters are yawning. It’s time to leave, and nothing makes you look cooler or sexier than knowing a great bowling alley/wine bar/pool hall just around the corner! Now is the time to mention that your former roommate bartends two blocks away to see if your date’s up to continuing the fun. Being prepared can help stretch a good time into a great evening. 

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Sugar Daddy: How to put my sugar baby in a corner

There are times you want to have a new sugar baby, or you want to have a relationship with a woman you don’t have a paid arrangement with. There are other times you may simply want to be free or you’re just tired of the sugar baby you have. It happens to everyone at some point, and there’s no reason to feel bad about it. Ultimately, you need to be classy about how you tell her it’s over. Following a few simple steps will get you out of your agreement and leave her satisfied.

1: break off her in person

Crucially, to avoid a woman scorned scenario, break it off with her in person – don’t send the dreaded break up text and then avoid all calls. Take her out to dinner and explain that you care for her and her feelings so you don’t want to hurt her because you can’t feel the same way she does. Make her feel like you are considering her feelings, being very courteous rather than stringing her along. Add that there are many other sugar daddies out there who would be glad to have a relationship with her, someone who is more deserving of her than you are. Someone who can give her all her needs, where you are failing. This will help her feel it is actually positive for her. Perhaps even give her something that you know is her favorite, to soften the blow further. You should part dinner very amicably. Also ending it on a nice mutually agreeable level might leave the door open for one-off meets in the future should you so desire.

2: Tell her you have a new sugar baby.

Tell her you have a new sugar baby, though this might add fuel to the fire. But one thing it will do is help her realize you are 100% serious and have moved on. You don’t want to start an unseemly public cat fight so make sure they don’t meet. If she’s still acting up tell her you will report her to whatever site you met her through, which will mess up her chances of landing a new sugar daddy in the future. She won’t want to mess up that, trust me. It will also act as a document in case you have to go the legal route.

3: Moving forward

Not all breakups will end badly. Sometimes it is as simple as a quick
hug and saying “goodbye.” If there is an occasional gift that pops up, consider donating any remaining items, and return newer items if possible. If these breakups are a repeat thing, consider speaking with a counselor to set a plan for what you want vs what you need in a relationship (traditional or otherwise). Remember: the definition of insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting different results. If this is your first time going through the Sugar Breakup, this will likely hold the sting of breaking up with a girlfriend. This is someone you’ve spent quality time with, let them in on your deepest thoughts, and likely looked forward to being around at some of your most vulnerable moments. It’s okay to run through the conversation a few times in your head. It’s okay to have a few nights out with the guys. Rest in knowing that your future holds more fun. Avoid stalking your former Sugar Baby on Facebook or “showing up” at the coffeeshop you know she frequents each Saturday.

Remember, you do not have to be stuck in an arrangement with a Sugar Baby. You can end the relationship at any time, but you should do so with class. Tell her why you can’t be with her and explain to her this is a good thing for her, too. Do it in person and give her a nice goodbye gift. Ending things this way will keep you on her good list should you ever miss her in the future, and it will make you feel better about how you left things.

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Sugar Daddy: How to manage multiple sugar babies

Slowly but surely, society is coming to the realization that monogamy isn’t the norm for everyone. We’re all about helping you manage your relationships, even if that means more than one. It’s not cheating if you’re honest, right? The stereotype of men who date multiple women is that they’re players, or womanizers. While that does describe some men, it isn’t always true. A man can date multiple women and still treat them as a gentleman should; all without letting the intake effect the quality of his dating game. Here are some tips for managing multiple Sugar Babies.

1: Make each of your sugar babies feel like they’re your only one

While she may be aware you’re sharing your sugar with another Sugar Baby, it’s generally preferable to most babies to feel like their Sugar Daddy is theirs alone. To help further this along, be sure not to come to your date smelling like another one, or feeling too spent from a late night date with a different Sugar baby the evening before to be any fun for her. You’ll also want to avoid too many scheduling difficulties. If everytime she asks you to meet up you already have plans, she’ll get the impression that she’s not that important to you and go off to find some sweeter sugar. In order to avoid this, you’ll want to be clear about your availability and how you handle unscheduled meet ups with each of your sugar babies from the start. This will clarify expectations all around and keep your babies feeling like they’re your only one, even though they know they’re probably not.

2: Make room for mystery

Having an open communication policy is always good, but making
contact everyday can get confusing in a relationship that is not exclusive. Let her wonder where you are and what you’re doing, and don’t text or call everyday. If you don’t have time to talk everyday, make this clear from the start and hope she understands. If you do talk everyday, it’s acceptable provided she knows that will not make the relationship exclusive.

3: Don’t take more sugar than you can handle

As we all know, too much sugar is not a good thing for anybody; the same is true for sugar arrangements. You may get a lot of fun from a variety of different sugar babies. But please don’t take on more than you can handle at any one time. If you do, you’ll be spoiling the sugar fun for everyone involved. To avoid taking on too much sugar, it’s essential that you be very careful as you add more sugar babies to your roster. Consider the time you have available and the needs of each baby before agreeing to be their Sugar Daddy. By the same token, if you do decide to take on a second, or third sugar baby, and it ends up being too much for you, call it off as soon as possible so you can prevent the nasty effects of sugar overload for all involved.

4: Be a gentleman

You can be dating as many women as you want, and as long as you treat them well you won’t hear a single complaint. Having options doesn’t entitle you to be a jerk because you know you have a dozen replacements. Give her attention and favorable treatment at all times, that way she’ll like
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Dos and Don’ts for a Sugar Daddy

Whether you’re an experienced Sugar Daddy, or you’re new to this type of dating arrangement, you’ll want to make sure you follow some simple guidelines, some spoken and some unspoken, that will help you get and keep a satisfying relationship with your Sugar Baby.

Dos: be clear about expectations on time commitment.

Yes, your time is money, so is her’s. Keep in mind that she has other factors in life aside from being a Sugar Baby companion. Set up a meeting schedule that works for both of you.
Don’t: think that you are entitled to sex on the first date
If you are looking for a quick fix, they have services for that. Sugar Babies are looking for a benefactor who can add value to their lives. Not a John looking to score a quick hook-up.

Dos: be 100% upfront and honest

The only way to have a successful arrangement with a Sugar Baby is to be honest and upfront. When you know what you want in your arrangement (and you should know exactly what you want before you start looking), you can express your needs openly, honestly, and there are absolutely no repercussions, only a yes or a no. Being able to say what you want and what you can give to Sugar Baby was so liberating and it saves a tremendous amount of time weeding out people who aren’t on the same page as you as far as an arrangement is concerned.

Don’ts: no call, no how

One would think that any man with enough disposable income to become a Sugar Daddy would have the manners to let a woman know if he is going to be late or not show up at all. Unfortunately, it happens more often than not. If something does come up, or if you have lost interest, have the courtesy to let the girl know.

Dos: spoil her because she deserves it, not because she wants it

This separates the Splenda from Sugar. A Sugar Baby should never have to ask her Sugar Daddy to take her shopping, on a vacation, or to a nice dinner. If she wants to have to nag someone to spoil her, then she would be in a conventional relationship.

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Sugar Daddy: Is she your Sugar Baby or just a gold digger

As a Sugar Daddy, you are rich, successful. And there are always pretty girls around you; you can find your sweet sugar baby easily. But have you ever been suspicious that the person you are dating is more interested in your money than in you? Is she a real sugar baby or just a gold digger? If you are concerned about this and want to find out, here are some ideas to accomplish this and protect yourself before it is too late.

1: She always has many reasons for having money.

She always has a sob story for why she needs more money, or why she needs it sooner.  While there are instances where even the sweetest of Sugar Babies can find herself in a bit of a tough spot, a gold digger is a professional con artist, and these sob stories will pile in almost weekly.  Also, don’t be surprised if she has a new designer bag on her wrist next time you see her after helping her pay for sudden car repairs.

2: She has no career aspiration

A gold digger clearly lacks goals short of getting the next check to cash. Motivated Sugar Babies have a goal in mind when entering the Sugar Bowl, whether it’s finishing school, building her own business, or as simple as getting out of debt.  There is one goal a gold digger may have that you should be weary of, securing steady cash flow through marriage or a bouncy bundle of joy.  That’s at least 18 years of steady monthly “allowance”. 

3: Her friends are gold-digger

You can tell a lot about a woman by meeting people from her closest
circle. If a girl has a lot of friends that are only after men for their money, she will likely have this same attitude. People attract others that have things in common with. If her buddy, especially her best friend, is a gold-digger, you need to tread lightly.
In the end, do keep in mind, just because she comes to the table with needs in the arrangement does not make her a gold digger. It means that she has a clear understanding of the workings of a mutually beneficial relationship.  While it’s always best to keep a look out for these flags, you would be doing yourself a disservice to overlook some of the prime Sugar Babies on Sudy for fear of tasting a little salt. 
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Sugar Daddy: if you’re not George Clooney, how to date after divorce

Divorce isn’t a single-forever sentence. Still, it can be intimidating to re-enter the world of datingAfter a divorce, you may be anxious to get back into the dating field to fill the void left by your spouse. To have the greatest success in returning to the dating world, it is important to be properly prepared both mentally and physically.

1: Make sure you’re ready

It sounds like trite advice, but it’s worth following: Don’t date
until you’re ready to date. You want to set yourself up for success. If you’re serious about finding love again, make sure you understand where you are in the healing process. Do you understand what went wrong in your last relationship? Are you aware of your role in the marriage’s end? Can you identify what a healthy relationship needs to look like for you? Give yourself the freedom of a little time and make sure your past is firmly in the past, along with the infamous “bitterness baggage,” before giving love a second chance.

2: Love yourself

Love yourself. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. Take a new class, get a new haircut, and eat healthier than ever. With the life changes you’ve gone through, make sure you’re taking the time to focus on you. Learn to thrive in your new situation. Dress in a way that makes you feel good about what you see in the mirror. Switch up your daily routine so you’re not stuck in past patterns and ruts by default, and choose to surround yourself with the people and things that inspire you.

3: Stay positive — and be up for the adventure

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your relationship history is, first dates are nerve-wracking. Give yourself a pre-date pep talk, reminding yourself of the great qualities you have to offer. Stay positive, embrace the adventure, expect a few disappointments, and see your life as an unfolding story, one that will be worth telling.

4: Be honest

Divorce is rarely a deal-breaker in the dating world. It’s a sad but
very real fact that about half of marriages end, so prospective partners are often prepared to date people who’ve been married before. While you probably shouldn’t spill intimate details of your marriage’s demise on a first date, be honest and open (if/when appropriate) about the fact that you’re divorced. Don’t judge yourself on your date’s behalf; you’ll likely be surprised at the empathy and grace extended in response to your honesty. Everyone’s experienced heartache; it’s okay to be a little vulnerable about what yours looks like.

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