Any first date is
loaded with pressure. Should you order the garden salad or opt for a cup of the
pungent french onion soup? Do you go in for a kiss, or end with a hug? You
never quite know how to make things progress 100 percent smoothly, but you can
do your best to ensure the date is survivable. We’ve thrown together our top
five suggestions to ensure your potential Sugar Baby see’s the light of a
second date.
1: Don’t eat with the speed of an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.
Don’t eat with the
speed of an industrial strength vacuum cleaner. The way you dine is a metaphor
for the way you make love so make sure you don’t do so in a way that brings to
mind a lower primate, or in the case of us gals, an epicurean version of Lorena
Bobbit. Do eat slowly and sensuously and make eye contact. Remember that dining
together is a form of foreplay.
2: Don’t go over your limit
The first dinner
date is not the time to drink and party like you did in college. This is a meal
that is to be shared between two mature adults. Sugar Daddies, avoid any
behaviors that could incite an argument if you clearly see that your date is
getting a bit tipsy. Do not keep the drinks coming if your date is an obvious
lightweight. Be respectful, order a cab for her, and reconnect when she’s back
to her usual self. The last thing either party should want to do is say or do
anything that could prevent a good thing from happening before it’s even
3: Do be discreet
Paying or tipping
should always be done as smoothly and as subtly as possible. Do not make
clumsy, boarish errors such as arguing over how much each person owes (read:
you’re cheap), using large bills to pay for small checks (read: you’re showy),
or gregariously grabbing the check out of the waiter’s hand to demonstratively
pay with your credit card. Such behavior makes people feel beholden and
uncomfortable. Just pay the check, move it to one side, and be done with it.
4: Do plan for the best
If things go well,
then what? Say you’re having an amazing night that you want never to end.
Great! Unfortunately, the lights are up, the tables are empty—and the waiters
are yawning. It’s time to leave, and nothing makes you look cooler or sexier
than knowing a great bowling alley/wine bar/pool hall just around the corner!
Now is the time to mention that your former roommate bartends two blocks away
to see if your date’s up to continuing the fun. Being prepared can help stretch
a good time into a great evening.
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