
Sugar Daddy: how to handle the first dinner date

Any first date is loaded with pressure. Should you order the garden salad or opt for a cup of the pungent french onion soup? Do you go in for a kiss, or end with a hug? You never quite know how to make things progress 100 percent smoothly, but you can do your best to ensure the date is survivable. We’ve thrown together our top five suggestions to ensure your potential Sugar Baby see’s the light of a second date.

1: Don’t eat with the speed of an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

Don’t eat with the speed of an industrial strength vacuum cleaner. The way you dine is a metaphor for the way you make love so make sure you don’t do so in a way that brings to mind a lower primate, or in the case of us gals, an epicurean version of Lorena Bobbit. Do eat slowly and sensuously and make eye contact. Remember that dining together is a form of foreplay.

2: Don’t go over your limit

The first dinner date is not the time to drink and party like you did in college. This is a meal that is to be shared between two mature adults. Sugar Daddies, avoid any behaviors that could incite an argument if you clearly see that your date is getting a bit tipsy. Do not keep the drinks coming if your date is an obvious lightweight. Be respectful, order a cab for her, and reconnect when she’s back to her usual self. The last thing either party should want to do is say or do anything that could prevent a good thing from happening before it’s even started.

3: Do be discreet

Paying or tipping should always be done as smoothly and as subtly as possible. Do not make clumsy, boarish errors such as arguing over how much each person owes (read: you’re cheap), using large bills to pay for small checks (read: you’re showy), or gregariously grabbing the check out of the waiter’s hand to demonstratively pay with your credit card. Such behavior makes people feel beholden and uncomfortable. Just pay the check, move it to one side, and be done with it.

4: Do plan for the best

If things go well, then what? Say you’re having an amazing night that you want never to end. Great! Unfortunately, the lights are up, the tables are empty—and the waiters are yawning. It’s time to leave, and nothing makes you look cooler or sexier than knowing a great bowling alley/wine bar/pool hall just around the corner! Now is the time to mention that your former roommate bartends two blocks away to see if your date’s up to continuing the fun. Being prepared can help stretch a good time into a great evening. 

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Sugar Daddy: How to put my sugar baby in a corner

There are times you want to have a new sugar baby, or you want to have a relationship with a woman you don’t have a paid arrangement with. There are other times you may simply want to be free or you’re just tired of the sugar baby you have. It happens to everyone at some point, and there’s no reason to feel bad about it. Ultimately, you need to be classy about how you tell her it’s over. Following a few simple steps will get you out of your agreement and leave her satisfied.

1: break off her in person

Crucially, to avoid a woman scorned scenario, break it off with her in person – don’t send the dreaded break up text and then avoid all calls. Take her out to dinner and explain that you care for her and her feelings so you don’t want to hurt her because you can’t feel the same way she does. Make her feel like you are considering her feelings, being very courteous rather than stringing her along. Add that there are many other sugar daddies out there who would be glad to have a relationship with her, someone who is more deserving of her than you are. Someone who can give her all her needs, where you are failing. This will help her feel it is actually positive for her. Perhaps even give her something that you know is her favorite, to soften the blow further. You should part dinner very amicably. Also ending it on a nice mutually agreeable level might leave the door open for one-off meets in the future should you so desire.

2: Tell her you have a new sugar baby.

Tell her you have a new sugar baby, though this might add fuel to the fire. But one thing it will do is help her realize you are 100% serious and have moved on. You don’t want to start an unseemly public cat fight so make sure they don’t meet. If she’s still acting up tell her you will report her to whatever site you met her through, which will mess up her chances of landing a new sugar daddy in the future. She won’t want to mess up that, trust me. It will also act as a document in case you have to go the legal route.

3: Moving forward

Not all breakups will end badly. Sometimes it is as simple as a quick
hug and saying “goodbye.” If there is an occasional gift that pops up, consider donating any remaining items, and return newer items if possible. If these breakups are a repeat thing, consider speaking with a counselor to set a plan for what you want vs what you need in a relationship (traditional or otherwise). Remember: the definition of insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting different results. If this is your first time going through the Sugar Breakup, this will likely hold the sting of breaking up with a girlfriend. This is someone you’ve spent quality time with, let them in on your deepest thoughts, and likely looked forward to being around at some of your most vulnerable moments. It’s okay to run through the conversation a few times in your head. It’s okay to have a few nights out with the guys. Rest in knowing that your future holds more fun. Avoid stalking your former Sugar Baby on Facebook or “showing up” at the coffeeshop you know she frequents each Saturday.

Remember, you do not have to be stuck in an arrangement with a Sugar Baby. You can end the relationship at any time, but you should do so with class. Tell her why you can’t be with her and explain to her this is a good thing for her, too. Do it in person and give her a nice goodbye gift. Ending things this way will keep you on her good list should you ever miss her in the future, and it will make you feel better about how you left things.

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Sugar Daddy: How to manage multiple sugar babies

Slowly but surely, society is coming to the realization that monogamy isn’t the norm for everyone. We’re all about helping you manage your relationships, even if that means more than one. It’s not cheating if you’re honest, right? The stereotype of men who date multiple women is that they’re players, or womanizers. While that does describe some men, it isn’t always true. A man can date multiple women and still treat them as a gentleman should; all without letting the intake effect the quality of his dating game. Here are some tips for managing multiple Sugar Babies.

1: Make each of your sugar babies feel like they’re your only one

While she may be aware you’re sharing your sugar with another Sugar Baby, it’s generally preferable to most babies to feel like their Sugar Daddy is theirs alone. To help further this along, be sure not to come to your date smelling like another one, or feeling too spent from a late night date with a different Sugar baby the evening before to be any fun for her. You’ll also want to avoid too many scheduling difficulties. If everytime she asks you to meet up you already have plans, she’ll get the impression that she’s not that important to you and go off to find some sweeter sugar. In order to avoid this, you’ll want to be clear about your availability and how you handle unscheduled meet ups with each of your sugar babies from the start. This will clarify expectations all around and keep your babies feeling like they’re your only one, even though they know they’re probably not.

2: Make room for mystery

Having an open communication policy is always good, but making
contact everyday can get confusing in a relationship that is not exclusive. Let her wonder where you are and what you’re doing, and don’t text or call everyday. If you don’t have time to talk everyday, make this clear from the start and hope she understands. If you do talk everyday, it’s acceptable provided she knows that will not make the relationship exclusive.

3: Don’t take more sugar than you can handle

As we all know, too much sugar is not a good thing for anybody; the same is true for sugar arrangements. You may get a lot of fun from a variety of different sugar babies. But please don’t take on more than you can handle at any one time. If you do, you’ll be spoiling the sugar fun for everyone involved. To avoid taking on too much sugar, it’s essential that you be very careful as you add more sugar babies to your roster. Consider the time you have available and the needs of each baby before agreeing to be their Sugar Daddy. By the same token, if you do decide to take on a second, or third sugar baby, and it ends up being too much for you, call it off as soon as possible so you can prevent the nasty effects of sugar overload for all involved.

4: Be a gentleman

You can be dating as many women as you want, and as long as you treat them well you won’t hear a single complaint. Having options doesn’t entitle you to be a jerk because you know you have a dozen replacements. Give her attention and favorable treatment at all times, that way she’ll like
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Dos and Don’ts for a Sugar Daddy

Whether you’re an experienced Sugar Daddy, or you’re new to this type of dating arrangement, you’ll want to make sure you follow some simple guidelines, some spoken and some unspoken, that will help you get and keep a satisfying relationship with your Sugar Baby.

Dos: be clear about expectations on time commitment.

Yes, your time is money, so is her’s. Keep in mind that she has other factors in life aside from being a Sugar Baby companion. Set up a meeting schedule that works for both of you.
Don’t: think that you are entitled to sex on the first date
If you are looking for a quick fix, they have services for that. Sugar Babies are looking for a benefactor who can add value to their lives. Not a John looking to score a quick hook-up.

Dos: be 100% upfront and honest

The only way to have a successful arrangement with a Sugar Baby is to be honest and upfront. When you know what you want in your arrangement (and you should know exactly what you want before you start looking), you can express your needs openly, honestly, and there are absolutely no repercussions, only a yes or a no. Being able to say what you want and what you can give to Sugar Baby was so liberating and it saves a tremendous amount of time weeding out people who aren’t on the same page as you as far as an arrangement is concerned.

Don’ts: no call, no how

One would think that any man with enough disposable income to become a Sugar Daddy would have the manners to let a woman know if he is going to be late or not show up at all. Unfortunately, it happens more often than not. If something does come up, or if you have lost interest, have the courtesy to let the girl know.

Dos: spoil her because she deserves it, not because she wants it

This separates the Splenda from Sugar. A Sugar Baby should never have to ask her Sugar Daddy to take her shopping, on a vacation, or to a nice dinner. If she wants to have to nag someone to spoil her, then she would be in a conventional relationship.

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Sugar Daddy: Is she your Sugar Baby or just a gold digger

As a Sugar Daddy, you are rich, successful. And there are always pretty girls around you; you can find your sweet sugar baby easily. But have you ever been suspicious that the person you are dating is more interested in your money than in you? Is she a real sugar baby or just a gold digger? If you are concerned about this and want to find out, here are some ideas to accomplish this and protect yourself before it is too late.

1: She always has many reasons for having money.

She always has a sob story for why she needs more money, or why she needs it sooner.  While there are instances where even the sweetest of Sugar Babies can find herself in a bit of a tough spot, a gold digger is a professional con artist, and these sob stories will pile in almost weekly.  Also, don’t be surprised if she has a new designer bag on her wrist next time you see her after helping her pay for sudden car repairs.

2: She has no career aspiration

A gold digger clearly lacks goals short of getting the next check to cash. Motivated Sugar Babies have a goal in mind when entering the Sugar Bowl, whether it’s finishing school, building her own business, or as simple as getting out of debt.  There is one goal a gold digger may have that you should be weary of, securing steady cash flow through marriage or a bouncy bundle of joy.  That’s at least 18 years of steady monthly “allowance”. 

3: Her friends are gold-digger

You can tell a lot about a woman by meeting people from her closest
circle. If a girl has a lot of friends that are only after men for their money, she will likely have this same attitude. People attract others that have things in common with. If her buddy, especially her best friend, is a gold-digger, you need to tread lightly.
In the end, do keep in mind, just because she comes to the table with needs in the arrangement does not make her a gold digger. It means that she has a clear understanding of the workings of a mutually beneficial relationship.  While it’s always best to keep a look out for these flags, you would be doing yourself a disservice to overlook some of the prime Sugar Babies on Sudy for fear of tasting a little salt. 
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Sugar Daddy: if you’re not George Clooney, how to date after divorce

Divorce isn’t a single-forever sentence. Still, it can be intimidating to re-enter the world of datingAfter a divorce, you may be anxious to get back into the dating field to fill the void left by your spouse. To have the greatest success in returning to the dating world, it is important to be properly prepared both mentally and physically.

1: Make sure you’re ready

It sounds like trite advice, but it’s worth following: Don’t date
until you’re ready to date. You want to set yourself up for success. If you’re serious about finding love again, make sure you understand where you are in the healing process. Do you understand what went wrong in your last relationship? Are you aware of your role in the marriage’s end? Can you identify what a healthy relationship needs to look like for you? Give yourself the freedom of a little time and make sure your past is firmly in the past, along with the infamous “bitterness baggage,” before giving love a second chance.

2: Love yourself

Love yourself. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. Take a new class, get a new haircut, and eat healthier than ever. With the life changes you’ve gone through, make sure you’re taking the time to focus on you. Learn to thrive in your new situation. Dress in a way that makes you feel good about what you see in the mirror. Switch up your daily routine so you’re not stuck in past patterns and ruts by default, and choose to surround yourself with the people and things that inspire you.

3: Stay positive — and be up for the adventure

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your relationship history is, first dates are nerve-wracking. Give yourself a pre-date pep talk, reminding yourself of the great qualities you have to offer. Stay positive, embrace the adventure, expect a few disappointments, and see your life as an unfolding story, one that will be worth telling.

4: Be honest

Divorce is rarely a deal-breaker in the dating world. It’s a sad but
very real fact that about half of marriages end, so prospective partners are often prepared to date people who’ve been married before. While you probably shouldn’t spill intimate details of your marriage’s demise on a first date, be honest and open (if/when appropriate) about the fact that you’re divorced. Don’t judge yourself on your date’s behalf; you’ll likely be surprised at the empathy and grace extended in response to your honesty. Everyone’s experienced heartache; it’s okay to be a little vulnerable about what yours looks like.

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Sugar Daddy: What your sugar baby of choice says about her

There is nothing more attractive than a Sugar Baby who knows what she wants. Arguably, that may be the reason some of you joined Sudy in the first place. But before you are able to learn her dreams, aspirations, college goals, etc., it’s important to look for subtle clues. Noticing the way she orders her drink is a perfect start. Here is what her drink of choice says about her.

1: Red wine

Real women drink red wine. It’s a delicate and traditional drink that for years, has been a great companion to housewives, steak dinners, and celebratory binge drinking. A women who religiously enjoys red wine is utmost classy and wants to see her man as such. Show off that Rolex a little bit. Don’t be surprised that women who prefer this beverage are rarely seen at bars. She’s a smooth talker and intricate. Just like the stain this drink would leave if mishandled, rattling a red wine drinker’s cage would leave an irremovable blemish on your life. You’ve been warned.

2: White wine

Who doesn’t love a lush? Just ask the housewives who ritually
indulge in this beverage of choice. This Sugar Baby most likely knows a thing or two about class. She knows how to pronounce “Pinot Noir” and may even have knowledge behind the grape variety. She’s high maintenance and most likely not the type you take to a sports bar. She wants you to see she knows how to handle her life, and her man. After all, red wine can leave a nasty stain if mishandled, therefore she’s careful and calculated. Her mannerisms and her speech might just be as velvety and smooth as the liquid in her glass. Take caution with this one, she’s not for the beginner SD.

3: Margarita

Are you ready for a long-term relationship? Neither is she. These sugar babies love to party. Look at the size of the margarita. If she has the glass that’s comparable to a milk jug, she’s a regular and knows how to flirt.

4: Strawberry Margarita

On the surface, the flavored marg sugar baby seems like a good time, but deep, deep down she is just a walking ball of insecurity ready to burst. She is constantly worried about what you’re thinking of her. She’s always obsessing about how she’s standing to make sure her arms are looking as skinny as possible, terrified about the possibility that her marg salt is stuck to the side of her mouth just waiting to fuck up the Insta that she has been craftily waiting to post in order to make her former bestie, the vodka soda drinker, cry out of jealously and paranoia of weight gain.

5: Martini

James Bond isn’t the only one who knows how to order a martini.
A Sugar Baby who knows exactly how to instruct her bartender is going to be an aggressor in the sheets, and full of mystery. She’ll intrigue your interests — she’s educated, well-travelled, and not afraid to be strong in her values and opinion. Much like the drink itself, she’s willing to be straight up with you. A martini-drinking Sugar Baby most likely knows her limits, so don’t push her.

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If Beckham be the Sugar Daddy, what should he do when he is sugaring?

38-year-old ex-soccer player turned model may just be the perfect Sugar Daddy to numerous sugar babies on our website. After all, the average age of a sugar daddy is 39. Clearly, he falls within our age bracket. Of course, David Beckham is not currently enrolled as a sugar daddy on our site, although he could be one day. But if Beckham be the sugar daddy, as a married man, what should he do when he involved with a single Sugar Baby. Here are some tips to help these married men navigate the rougher paths of sugar.

1: Set boundaries.

Boundaries should be set with in your arrangement from the get-go. If this means you can only see your Sugar Baby once a month, then this should be discussed when you initially meet. You should also decide which discussions are off-limits. You should keep away from hot-button topics such as your wife, kids, or anything too personal. You do not want to cross a line, or get your Sugar Baby involved in the mama drama. Your arrangement should be something to distract you from the daily routine.

2: Your needs are No.1

No strings attached means exactly that. Your other strings should be
kept perfectly intact throughout the arrangement process. No red flags should be raised to your coworkers, friends, or family. Your Sugar Baby should be totally aware that she may not be your top priority, and that the relationship will be a discrete one. You can still make your Sugar Baby feel satisfied and taken care of through little presents or gifts. This will have to suffice if you don’t necessarily have the time to commit to seeing her face to face.

 3: The L word

This rule is pretty simple. Do not fall in love, period. Unless you are exiting your marriage, do not fall for your Sugar Baby. It’s better to not lead anyone on, and it could get extremely messy. Don’t let your hormones fool you – the L word you could actually be falling in is Lust. And on the note of lust, always be safe when you are sexually active with your Sugar Baby. You wouldn’t want any accidents to occur. baby mama drama, no thank you.
If you are married and discreetly seeing other people, it can be complicated, yet the rewards can be very worthwhile. Unless you are in an open marriage, make sure to always keep the two situations completely separate from one another, and have fun!
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Sugar Daddy: How to spoil my sugar baby

Sugar comes in all forms. But no matter how it presents itself, it’s always undeniably sweet. While allowance may be the most traditional, and in many cases, sought after form of steady Sugar, times are changing in the ways it can add sweetness to a Sugar Baby’s life, without being sugar supplements. The bags may be beautiful and the shoes are timeless, but take a look at some other rewarding forms of Sugar today.

1: Gift Cards

She wants something a bit more specialized. Basic gift cards like Target and Whole Foods are great for staples, or gift her a few grand on a Saks card and see what she picks. Some might see this as lazy, but I assure you, she will be pleased.
2: Travel
Those who claim travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer clearly never had a Sugar Daddy to foot the bill. The ability to travel to distant places that many others simply jot down on their bucket lists is uniquely rewarding.  Whether traveling allows you to gain culture or a glowing tan, exploration is always enriching.

3: Living Expense

Taking on the living expenses of a Sugar Baby may be daunting to newbies, but it becomes mutually beneficial in many ways.  Your Sugar Baby won’t have to waste her time working numerous dead end jobs to pay for an overpriced one bedroom just to keep herself out of the dorms. In return, it frees up her time and availability to you, not to mention her gratitude which can be quite rewarding on its own.

4: Cash

Favored by Sugar Babies everywhere, cold, hard cash is always a great option. Paperless and anonymous, this is the best option for a Sugar Daddy who wants to remain discreet. Bonus points for crisp $100 bills.

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Sugar Daddy Discretion

The perks of having an arrangement go without saying, but the stigmas require a level of Sugar Daddy discretion. In order to protect your privacy, here are some tips for remaining discreet.

1: Be care for what you post.

Before you agree to your first date, be very careful what you post in your profile, as this is public information and can be viewed by anyone: your exes, your employer, co-workers, friends, family…you never know who might stumble across it. Naturally, profiles with photos get more views and you want to include recent pics of yourself, but I recommend blurring or cropping your face to completely protect your privacy. Once you meet someone you are interested in, you can take the conversation offsite and exchange personal photos privately via email.

2:About email: Create a new email address

Signing up and communicating with people can both be done from an alternate email address. I recommend using one that’s not your work email. Your information is completely safe and encrypted on the site or app, so there’s no concern for your privacy to be threatened. However, when you do start talking to someone new, your information remains private until you are comfortable with her, and are ready to share.

3: Have private photos.

Not only does this entice women to see a bit more of you, this is also the safest way to have pictures on the site. The images are only viewable from accounts whose permission you have granted. If you ever decide against sharing them, simply un-share and that person can no longer see them.

4: Get a “sugar” phone number

Smartphones open a world of password protected possibilities, Google Voice is really great for this. It’s a free service that allows you to choose from a database of available numbers from all over the US. You can then link your Google Voice number to your real phone line and all the calls made to your Google Voice number will automatically be re-routed to your phone. This is a really functional way of separating your anonymous online life with your real one.

5: Be honest with your sugar baby

Telling anyone you get involved with about your situation is vital to keeping things discreet. They need to know your availability, when to call, and when not to. If you are married, have kids, or have special circumstances, chances are they will be more than happy to accommodate.
How do you think about these tips? I hope it will be useful.
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Sugar Daddy date preparation

As a Sugar Daddy, and at this point in life, you’ve hopefully been on a few dates. A few bad dates, to be more specific. Let us go over the best ways to make your next date a smashing success.

1: Phone calls

There are a couple phone calls that need to be made prior to the date, preferably the day before. The first one is to her, confirming times and making sure she’s still up for it. This is also the time to make sure she doesn’t have any qualms or allergies with the cuisine. Always have a phone call before meeting someone; it can help you decide whether you really want to take her out. The next call is to the restaurant making a reservation. Don’t show up without one, even if the place is empty, she’ll feel good knowing you took the initiative to prepare for your date. Finally, call or text anyone who might decide to blow up your phone during the date, and kindly ask them not to. You don’t want her to be on her phone, so try to stay off yours.

2: Dress sharply

Women love a sharp-dressed man and if you’re about to become a beautiful woman’s sugar daddy, you better look good beside her. Good taste in clothing can be cultivated and since you want to be your own brand, don’t be afraid to find a style all your own. If you need good advice, hire a personal stylist. He will be able to guide you in choosing the right cut, color and trend that will bring out your looks. If you want to create an extra big splash, learn to wear white tie properly with this list – then invite your lady to a fancy white tie event. But above all, remember, you don’t have to wear a suit to look sharp – you can dress casually and still look a million bucks.

3 Arrive early

Nothing says you don’t care like arriving more than 15 minutes late to a date. I suggest arriving early, and sitting at the bar to wait for her. That way, you get a head start on drinking so you’re loose, and you can text her saying “I’m the devilishly handsome man in the black shirt at the bar.”

4: Cash in

Make sure to stop and get some cash, so if the credit card machine goes down or the street vendor doesn’t accept Amex then you’re covered. It’s always nice to have a little extra on hand if you want to throw her a token of your appreciation or if you leave your card at the bar on accident and need to pay the cabbie.
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The benefits of being a Sugar Daddy

A Sugar Daddy is a rich older man who offers professional and financial support to young female in exchange of companionship and usually sexual favors. Being rich and successful could attract a number of young women eager for a relationship of mutual convenience. Here are a few benefits that come with taking on the role of a sugar daddy.

1: You do always get what you want

No games, no waiting, no more. The Sudy Sugar Daddy dating app turns a man’s “maybes” into reality by giving them complete control in finding their perfect match. With women outnumbering men 10 to 1, a Sugar Daddy never has to settle for the “next best thing.” If you’ve always dreamed of dating a young, vivacious blonde, she’s yours. If your ideal arrangement is a beautiful black woman, she’s yours. A successful Sugar Daddy deserves to ultimately make the decision—not a “matchmaking” system.

2: No-strings relationship

The best part of being a sugar daddy is that you are not expected to fulfill the obligations of a long-term relationship. Sugar babies know from the start this is relationship is based on mutual convenience – she gets the goodies as long as she makes her sugar daddy happy. He does not to have to shoulder the responsibilities that come with a committed relationship and this makes the relationship an attractive proposition for many older, richer men most of whom may have been long-married and may even have grown-up children.

3: The perfect arm candy

She’s stunning, she’s with you and she’s the reason why everyone’s head is turning.
Ever wonder what it’s like to be Hugh Hefner? Now you know.
4: Less time consuming
Sugar daddies are usually men who have achieved a significant measure of success in their field of work. This means that men who run companies or look after business empires do not have the leisure to nurture and care for a relationship those younger men might do. As a result being a sugar daddy suits these busy men since it is a relationship where the partners already understand the give and take and no time need be spent on beating about the bush. It looks good. A sugar daddy can flaunt their attractive companions openly and publicly. Moreover it feels good to be seen with a young, gorgeous woman who idolizes you and also know that other men envy your good fortune.

5: Feel younger again

A Sugar Baby is your own personal “fountain of youth” – she’s energetic, adventurous and open to new experiences. And the best part? She wants to spend her youth with you. You’ve dedicated your life to becoming a wealthy and successful gentleman. Now relax a little and enjoy the finer (and more beautiful things) in life.

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Biggest mistakes Sugar Daddies make

The best part of the Sugar Daddy-seeking process is finding someone who ‘clicks’ with all the special things you’re looking for. But what are you saying to draw those potential sugary sweet interests? In order to bolster your chances, make sure that you are not doing the following with your ongoing efforts:

1.     Talking too much about self

Yes, a woman, who wants to be your sugar baby, will want to know that you are capable of taking care of her physically, but she also wants to know what you can do for her emotionally. Contrary to what some believe, these women are not usually greedy and only after the money. They want a combination of caring and support from you, and that's what you should be prepared to give them if you are serious about becoming a sugar daddy. However, many men make the mistake of putting themselves up on a pedestal and forgetting that she is even a person.
2.     Taking care of the physical, ignoring the emotional
Instead of buying her whatever she wants and making sure she has no physical needs while spending all of your time wrapped up in business and failing to make physical contact with her, you should take time away from the office and the hectic pace that you set for yourself, and include her in your life. Nothing sends a message about what kind of guy you are more than how far you're willing to include her in the things that you love. Too often, guys think that if they keep her physical needs appeased, they will not have to worry with the rest.

3.     Some messaging mistakes

The biggest component of finding who you desire to spend time with is asking the right questions. If a darling Sugar Baby opens your message with anticipation only to find a wall of text with nothing but “I-I-I,” then a serious problem is occurring. There must be a balance between talking about yourself and learning about this beautiful person on the other side of the screen. Sugar Babies should actively contribute to the conversation, yet Sugar Daddies must put forth an effort to be genuine.

4: Lying

The final and perhaps greatest tip to all Sugar Daddies is the need to avoid LIES. The Black Eyed Peas could not have said it any better. Lies will get you into trouble. If you are seeking discretion, lies will get you caught. Do not state in your first message that you are leaving your wife, if you know in the back of your mind that the conversation has never arose. Do not claim to have a wall of college degrees when all you possess is a GED. These are details that come up in conversation as you become more comfortable with each other. You’re bound to slip up at some point, especially if there are multiple Babies in the Sugar Bowl.

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How to discuss allowance with Sugar Daddy

Talking about money in general is uncomfortable. But talking about money with your Sugar Daddy can be so awkward that many Sugar Babies would rather avoid the conversation altogether. But if you can’t talk about it with your Sugar Daddy, then it’s almost a guarantee that you won’t get everything from you want from your relationship. If the thought of asking a potential sugar daddy for money terrifies you – don’t worry, you’re not alone. And – it’s totally natural. Most of us simply aren’t used to asking for money and don’t have the first clue on how to go about it gracefully. But practice – and a few tips – makes perfect. Follow the tips below, practice them and you’ll be breezing through the allowance talk in no time.

1: Get this one thing straight

This allowance thing is NOT about how much you are worth. YOU are priceless. There is no way to set a monetary value on yourself and your qualities so don’t even try. The allowance thing is about asking for what you need and want; in proportion to the time and attention you can give to your sugar daddy. Most likely, a monthly allowance will depend on several factors, such as how much you need to live comfortably, what extra material comforts you’d like, how much you’d like to save, how much time you plan on spending with your sugar daddy, other expenses that will come up in your sugar relationship, etc. Spend your time figuring out the monetary range of what your needs and wants amount to rather than trying to assess how much you’re worth.

2: Get comfortable asking for what you want.

You have a set allowance range now. Now the key is to get comfortable with it. You see, the reason why discussing allowance is such an uncomfortable topic is that most people haven’t had much practice in asking for money. And at first, asking a potential sugar daddy for several thousands of dollars per month is going to feel kind of awkward. Try it right now – speak your amount out loud to yourself. Do you feel a tinge of discomfort? Any inner resistance cropping up? Any little voices in your head that say, “That’s too much.”If you do – you’re going to need this exercise. Repeat it ’til you’re so comfortable with your number range, it seems guaranteed.

3: Confidence is key

Here’s something that many sugar babies forget about men: They don’t usually bargain hunt. So when discussing allowance, go in with the expectation that he will give you what you ask for. This way, when he asks you for your ideal allowance, you can respond simply and matter-of-factly that you’re “thinking $x,xxx.” Keep a smile on your face and say what you want as naturally as you would tell him what you plan on ordering for dinner. Be honest with what you want and don’t be afraid to ask for it.

4. K.I.S.S.

At the same time, do NOT feel like you need to justify the amount you’re asking for. Talking about your debt, your bills, etc. is so, entirely unnecessary. Even if he asks, remember that you don’t need to tabulate your expenses for him. Be blunt, be matter-of-fact and stick to something simple, such as high cost of living or your desire to save. You don’t even need to really justify this, just laugh it off with a “Well, a girl’s gotta save, yea?”
In the end, remember that all the tips in the world won’t do much good if you don’t put them to use. So get out there and get used to asking for – and getting what you want.

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Sugar Daddy dating tips

It can be a difficult venture to find that special someone in your life, especially you are a Sugar Daddy. You might not have much energy to handle the traditional relationship so you turn into the sugar bowl. Even though the concept of sugar daddy dating is quite clear and outgoing; sugar date can always be a bit stressful or tricky when you meet each other offline. You might find yourself in a situation wherein you do not know how to really behave and feel. And this is a common observation between people who meet each other for the first time; as in, on a date.
Therefore, to relieve you from all the thinking and unwanted stress I have listed down a few basic tips for your sugar date.
1.     Punctual
A lot of people do tend to ignore this but if we seriously consider variables; time is one of the most imperative things to look out for. Similarly, when you're going for your sugar date, make sure that you reach on time and this implies for both. There is never a good enough reason to keep anyone waiting especially on your sugar date. If you're going to be late, please make sure you inform the other.
2: Don’t be cheap
No you don’t have to spend thousands on a pair of nice suit, but you do need to shell out a few hundred for a nice meal. The arrangement is a value exchange, you pay for a nice meal and you both have a great time and she rewards you with sex.
2.     Sniff out the gold diggers
There will be some girls that you will become familiar with that are in it just for the money, they have no interest in sleeping with you. The easiest way to sniff them out is if they talk about the money before meeting you.
If they are normal girls that just want to experience the high-life then they won’t come out with those sorts of questions.
3.     Plan the date out before meeting.
Get your story straight. Most girls won’t ask too many questions, they will just assume that you have money, if you are on one of these sites.
The other thing you need to plan is the restaurant or first meet up place you want to take her too. I would recommend you take her to a restaurant that is in the mid range, nothing too fancy that you can’t afford but will easily be $200 to $300 for the both of you. The closer to your place the better, this is a pretty important logistical rule if you want to attempt to sleep with her on the first meet.
4.     Go on a test meet
So after the first meet is a feeler for what type of girl she is (crazy, funny, adventurous, gold digger, DTF etc). It’s fine for you to run the usual game, be very flirtatious with her, kino, learn about her and connect on a deeper level. If you both get along and you feel as though shes attracted to you, then proceed to the close… if she’s nuts a gold digger or just butt ugly, then you should make your excuses and bolt.
Sugar dates are always critical for a long lasting and healthy relationship. It is important that you make the most of this opportunity and try to be as marketable as possible. Although there is no dearth of sugar daddies and sugar babies, it would be good if you are able to make a lasting impression on your maiden date.

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