
How to discuss allowance with Sugar Daddy

Talking about money in general is uncomfortable. But talking about money with your Sugar Daddy can be so awkward that many Sugar Babies would rather avoid the conversation altogether. But if you can’t talk about it with your Sugar Daddy, then it’s almost a guarantee that you won’t get everything from you want from your relationship. If the thought of asking a potential sugar daddy for money terrifies you – don’t worry, you’re not alone. And – it’s totally natural. Most of us simply aren’t used to asking for money and don’t have the first clue on how to go about it gracefully. But practice – and a few tips – makes perfect. Follow the tips below, practice them and you’ll be breezing through the allowance talk in no time.

1: Get this one thing straight

This allowance thing is NOT about how much you are worth. YOU are priceless. There is no way to set a monetary value on yourself and your qualities so don’t even try. The allowance thing is about asking for what you need and want; in proportion to the time and attention you can give to your sugar daddy. Most likely, a monthly allowance will depend on several factors, such as how much you need to live comfortably, what extra material comforts you’d like, how much you’d like to save, how much time you plan on spending with your sugar daddy, other expenses that will come up in your sugar relationship, etc. Spend your time figuring out the monetary range of what your needs and wants amount to rather than trying to assess how much you’re worth.

2: Get comfortable asking for what you want.

You have a set allowance range now. Now the key is to get comfortable with it. You see, the reason why discussing allowance is such an uncomfortable topic is that most people haven’t had much practice in asking for money. And at first, asking a potential sugar daddy for several thousands of dollars per month is going to feel kind of awkward. Try it right now – speak your amount out loud to yourself. Do you feel a tinge of discomfort? Any inner resistance cropping up? Any little voices in your head that say, “That’s too much.”If you do – you’re going to need this exercise. Repeat it ’til you’re so comfortable with your number range, it seems guaranteed.

3: Confidence is key

Here’s something that many sugar babies forget about men: They don’t usually bargain hunt. So when discussing allowance, go in with the expectation that he will give you what you ask for. This way, when he asks you for your ideal allowance, you can respond simply and matter-of-factly that you’re “thinking $x,xxx.” Keep a smile on your face and say what you want as naturally as you would tell him what you plan on ordering for dinner. Be honest with what you want and don’t be afraid to ask for it.

4. K.I.S.S.

At the same time, do NOT feel like you need to justify the amount you’re asking for. Talking about your debt, your bills, etc. is so, entirely unnecessary. Even if he asks, remember that you don’t need to tabulate your expenses for him. Be blunt, be matter-of-fact and stick to something simple, such as high cost of living or your desire to save. You don’t even need to really justify this, just laugh it off with a “Well, a girl’s gotta save, yea?”
In the end, remember that all the tips in the world won’t do much good if you don’t put them to use. So get out there and get used to asking for – and getting what you want.

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